69FX-301Even beginners can quickly learn how to use the MODE NAVIMODE NAVI uses six indicators to display the amplifier’s basic operations. The current operating mode can be confirmed at aglance, so even a first time user can easily operate the amplifier without becoming confused.Easy maintenance, as mainand sub units are identicalBoth main and sub units utilize the sameamplifier body. This feature allows foreasy mounting in the side-by-sideconfiguration. The main and sub unitfunctions are distinguished only by theproper use of 3-core main cable and the1-core sub cable. Moreover, by utilizingthe same body for both main and subunits, inventor y management andmaintenance is simplified.Wiring- and labor-saving design allows side-by-side configuration for up to sixteen unitsUp to sixteen amplifiers can beconnected in a side-by-side configuration.As the sub cable contains only one outputline, a great amount of wiring and spacecan be saved. Also, special ‘sliding’connectors have been provided for allmain and sub cables, which can bedetached merely by releasing the lockand pulling directly back, without havingto slide the amplifier body to the side.Using this connector system, only aminimal amount of space is required forregular maintenance.The use of only two switches makes for very simple operationsOnly two switches, the large jog switch and the large MODE key, are required foroperation. Depressing the large MODE key sets the ‘mode selection’ and ‘modecancel’ functions. The large jog switch is used to select from the detailed functionsavailable within each mode, as well as to change numerical values after the modehas been chosen.Polyethylene packagingEnvironmentally friendly packagingWith regard to effects on the environment,we only utilize the simplest of packagingmethods greatly contributing to the reductionin wastes generated by your worksite.Also, the bags are made of polyethylene, asubstance that doesn’t give off pollutinggases when burned.