GTWIN Reference Manual 6.5 General-Purpose Serial Communication Error Codes2256.5 General-Purpose Serial Communication Error CodesThe last two digits of the error code are the same no matter which model is used, though thebeginning can differ.Error code(last 2 digits) Error name Cause and solution00 BCC error The value of the BCC may be incorrect. Check the calculation.01 Format error A command format may be incorrect. Check if it is correct.02 NOT supported error A command used is not supported with the version of the GT.Upgrade the GT version or use another command.03 Address error The address specified does not exist in the GT. Check theaddress of the command transmitted.04 Receive buffer overflow The command sent exceeds the number of bytes that can bereceived. Check the number of bytes in the command sent.05 Request overflow The readout command sent exceeds the number of bytes that canbe sent back. Check the number of words that can be read.06 Data error The communication condition for the GT may not match that ofthe destination device. Check the communication conditions.07 Data write inhibit error A command was sent to an address that is not available. Checkthe address.GT Series General-purpose Serial Communication Manual, ARCT1F356E.