Alarm Delay TimesThis function holds the previous normal value up to the setting number oftimes if an alarm is issued.The previous normal value will be kept on hold up to the setting number of delay timesif an alarm is issued (where measurement is disabled owing to lack of light).Alarm output (OUT3) will be turned ON when the alarm status continues more thanthe setting number of delay times, and analog output and digital output will be turnedON according to the setting for analog output at alarm and the setting for digitaloutput at alarm, respectively.This function is effective if the user does not require the output ofinstantaneous alarms resulting for the surface condition changes ofmeasurement objects.Setting range Function Initial value0 to 65534 0 (OFF) to 65534 times65535 Holds the measurement valuebefore the alarm.● Setting Procedure1 Display the "Alarm Setting" screen whilein setting mode.2 Press the [ENTER] key. The "Analogoutput at alarm" screen will be displayed.3 Press the [DOWN] key twice. The "AlarmDelay Times" screen will be displayed.4 Press the [ENTER] key. The number ofalarm delay times will be displayed. Theleftmost digit will be selected.5 Press the [UP]/[DOWN] keys together tochange the selected digit.6 Press the [UP]/[DOWN] key to change thevalue of the selected digit. (Example:Changing the value to 0 times (OFF).)7 Press the [ENTER] key and determine thenumber of delay times.Ramco National800-280-6933 |