Phonebook28 For assistance, please visit someone in thephonebookPhonebook items can be searched foralphabetically by scrolling through thephonebook items.1 Press {C} (right soft key).L To view the first item, press{SEARCH}.2 Push the joystick up or down repeatedlyto display the desired item.L To exit the phonebook, press {OFF}.3 Press {C}, {s}, or {CALL}.To search for a name by initial1 Press {C} (right soft key).2 Press the dialing button ({0} to {9},{#}, or {*}) which corresponds to thefirst letter you are searching for (see thecharacter table, page 27).Example: “LISA”Press {5} repeatedly to display anyname with the initial “L”.L If there is no item corresponding tothe letter you selected, the next itemwill be displayed.3 Push the joystick down repeatedly todisplay the desired item.L To exit the phonebook, press {OFF}.L To dial the displayed number, press{C}, {s}, or {CALL}.Adding items/calling someonein the phonebook using theunit’s menu P (Monochromedisplay models only)Important:L Only the KX-TG5561 and KX-TGA550support this feature.Monochrome display model users can alsoenter the phonebook from the handset’smain menu.1 Press {MENU} (center of joystick).2 Scroll to P, then press {SELECT}.L The display shows the number ofitems in the phonebook.3 To add items, continue from step 2 of“Adding items to the phonebook” onpage 27.ORTo call someone, continue from step 2of “Calling someone in the phonebook” Page 28 Thursday, April 7, 2005 12:07 PM