Call shareYou can join an existing outside call.To select the line that is being used for the call:– for a cellular line press MCELL 1N or MCELL2N.– for the landline press MZN.Note:R A maximum of 3 parties (including 1 outsideparty) can join a conversation using 2extensions. (3-way conference)R To prevent other users from joining yourconversations with outside callers, turn callsharing mode off (page 44).Transferring calls, conferencecallsOutside calls can be transferred or aconference call with an outside party can bemade between a handset and the base unit.1 During an outside call, pressMINTERCOMN.When 2 or more handsets areregistered:– To page a specific handset, enter thehandset number.– To page all handsets, press 0 or waitfor a few seconds.2 Wait for the paged party to answer.R If paged party does not answer, pressMINTERCOMN to return to the outsidecall.3 To complete the transfer:Press MZN.R The outside call is being routed to thehandset.To establish a conference call:Press MCONFN.R To leave the conference, press MZN.The other 2 parties can continue theconversation.R To put the outside call on hold, pressMHOLDN. To resume the conference,press MCONFN.Transferring a cellular callbetween the base unit and acellular phoneTransferring a cellular call from thebase unit to a cellular phoneDuring a cellular call, press and hold MCELL1N or MCELL 2N until the SP-PHONE indicatorgoes out.R The cellular call is transferred to the cellularphone.Transferring a cellular call from acellular phone to the base unitDuring a conversation using a cellular phone,press MCELL 1N or MCELL 2N.R The cellular call is transferred to the baseunit.Answering a 2nd callIf you receive a call while talking on the phone,the interrupt tone sounds (page 42).Answering a 2nd call during alandline call1 Press MHOLDN during a landline call.2 To answer the 2nd call:Press MCELL 1N or MCELL 2N.3 To hang up the 2nd call and return to the1st call (landline call), press MZN 2 times.Answering a 2nd call during a cellularcall1 Press MHOLDN during a cellular call.2 To answer the 2nd call:MZN, MCELL 1N, or MCELL 2N3 To hang up the 2nd call and return to the1st call (cellular call), press MZN, thenpress MCELL 1N or MCELL 2N.For assistance, please visit 29Making/Answering Calls Using the Base UnitTGE46x47x(en)_1117_ver061.pdf 29 2015/11/17 15:14:14