3 MbN: Select the desired unit’s number tomonitor with. a MSAVENR “Baby monitor” will be displayed.R The registered unit’s name/number isdisplayed.Note:R When this feature is on, another handset orthe base unit can hear the monitoredhandset by making an intercom call.To monitor from outsideIf you enable this feature, the unit will call apre-programmed phone number when thehandset detects sound. After you answer thecall, you can listen in on the room where thehandset is located.This feature is only available for landline.n From the phonebook:1 MMENUN#2682 MbN: “On” a MSELECTN3 MbN: Select “Outgoing call” tomonitor from outside. a MADDN4 MbN: “Phonebook” a MSELECTN5 MbN: Select the phonebook entry. aMSAVENR “Baby monitor” will be displayed.Note:R If you edit a phonebook entry which isassigned for monitoring, the edited entrydoes not transfer to the monitor.n By entering phone numbers:1 MMENUN#2682 MbN: “On” a MSELECTN3 MbN: Select “Outgoing call” tomonitor from outside. a MADDN4 MbN: “Manual” a MSELECTN5 Enter the desired name. a MOKN6 Enter the desired number. a MOKNa MSELECTNR “Baby monitor” will be displayed.Note:R The registered name/number is displayed.Turning off the baby monitorThe monitored handset cannot be used whilebaby monitor is set to “On”.1 Press MMENUN on the handset beingmonitored.2 MbN: “On/Off” a MSELECTN3 MbN: “Off” a MSELECTN a MOFFNEditing an outside monitoring number1 Press MMENUN on the handset beingmonitored.2 MbN: “On/Off” a MSELECTN3 MbN: “On” a MSELECTN4 MbN: Select the outside line.5 MMENUN a MbN: “Edit” a MSELECTN6 Edit the name if necessary. a MOKN7 Edit the phone number if necessary. aMOKN a MSELECTNErasing an outside monitoringnumber1 Press MMENUN on the handset beingmonitored.2 MbN: “On/Off” a MSELECTN3 MbN: “On” a MSELECTN4 MbN: Select the outside line.5 MMENUN a MbN: “Erase” a MSELECTN6 MbN: “Yes” a MSELECTN a MOFFNBaby monitor sensitivityYou can adjust the sensitivity of the babymonitor. Increase or decrease the sensitivity toadjust the sound level needed to trigger thebaby monitor feature.R This feature cannot be set during amonitoring call.1 Press MMENUN on the handset beingmonitored.2 MbN: “Sensitivity level” aMSELECTN48 For assistance, please visit http://shop.panasonic.com/supportProgrammingTGE46x47x(en)_1117_ver061.pdf 48 2015/11/17 15:14:15