3 MSAVEN4 MbN: “Phonebook” a MSELECTN5 Continue from step 3, “Editing entries”,page 36.n When a cellular phone is not paired:1 MCN CID2 MbN: Select the desired entry. aMMENUNR To edit the number:MbN: “Edit” a MSELECTNPress MEDITN repeatedly until thephone number is shown in thedesired format. a MSAVEN a MbN:“Phonebook” a MSELECTN aGo to step 4.3 MbN: “Save phonebook” aMSELECTN4 Continue from step 3, “Editing entries”,page 36.GroupsGroups can help you find entries in thephonebook quickly and easily. You canchange the group name for groups 4-9(“Friends”, “Family”, etc.). By assigningdifferent ringer tones for different groups ofcallers, you can identify who is calling (ringerID), if you have subscribed to Caller ID service.Changing group names/setting ringerID1 MFN W a MMENUN2 MbN: “Group” a MSELECTN3 MbN: Select the desired group. aMSELECTNR If you selected “Home”, “Cell 1”, or“Cell 2”, go to step 5.4 To change group namesMbN: “Group name” a MSELECTN aEdit the name (10 characters max.). aMSAVEN5 To set group ringer toneMbN: Select the current setting of thegroup ringer tone. a MSELECTN a MbN:Select the desired ringer tone. a MSAVEN6 MOFFNFinding and calling from aphonebook entry1 MFN W2 To scroll through all entriesMbN: Select the desired entry.To search by first characterPress the dial key (0 to 9, or #)which contains the character you aresearching for.MbN: Scroll through the phonebook ifnecessary.To search by groupMGROUPNMbN: Select the desired group. aMSELECTNMbN: Scroll through the phonebook ifnecessary.To search by queryYou can narrow down the search to enterthe first characters of a name.*To search for the name, enter thefirst characters (up to 4) inuppercase (page 34). a MOKNMbN: Scroll through the phonebook ifnecessary.3 n Using a cellular line:MCELLNR The unit starts dialingimmediately in the followingsituations.– Only 1 cellular phone ispaired.– A specific line is set to makecellular calls (page 20).MbN: Select the desired cellularphone. a MSELECTNn Using a landline:M NFor assistance, please visit http://shop.panasonic.com/support 35PhonebookTGE46x47x(en)_1117_ver061.pdf 35 2015/11/17 15:14:14