2 MbN: Select the desired entry. a MMENUNR To edit the number: MbN: “Edit” aMSELECTNPress MEDITN repeatedly until the phonenumber is shown in the desired format. Andthen, press MSAVEN. Go to step 4.3 MbN: “Save caller ID” a MSELECTN4 MbN: “Phonebook” a MSELECTN5 Continue from step 3, “Editing entries”,page 23.Base unit1 MCIDN2 MbN: Select the desired entry.R To edit the number, press MEDITNrepeatedly until the phone number is shownin the desired format.3 MSAVEN4 MbN: “Phonebook” a MSELECTN5 Continue from step 3, “Editing entries”,page 23.GroupsGroups can help you find entries in the phonebookquickly and easily. You can change the names ofgroups assigned for phonebook entries (“Friends”,“Family”, etc.). By assigning different ringer tonesfor different groups of callers, you can identify whois calling (ringer ID), if you have subscribed to CallDisplay service.Changing group names/setting ringer IDThe default group name is “Group 1” to“Group 9”.Handset / Base unit1 Proceed with the operation for your unit.Handset: MFN a MMENUNBase unit: M N a MMENUN2 MbN: “Group” a MSELECTN3 MbN: Select the desired group. a MSELECTN4 To change group namesMbN: “Group name” a MSELECTN a Editthe name (10 characters max.). a MSAVEN5 To set group ringer tone (handset)MbN: Select the current setting of the groupringer tone. a MSELECTN a MbN: Select thedesired ringer tone. a MSAVEN6 Proceed with the operation for your unit.Handset: MOFFNBase unit: MEXITNFinding and calling from aphonebook entryHandset / Base unit1 Proceed with the operation for your unit.Handset: MFN WBase unit: MWN2 To scroll through all entriesMbN: Select the desired entry.To search by first characterPress the dial key (0 to 9, or #) whichcontains the character you are searchingfor (page 22).MbN: Scroll through the phonebook ifnecessary.To search by groupMGROUPNMbN: Select the desired group. aMSELECTNMbN: Scroll through the phonebook ifnecessary.3 Proceed with the operation for your unit.Handset: M NBase unit: Lift the corded handset.Editing entriesHandset1 Find the desired entry (page 23).2 MMENUN a MbN: “Edit” a MSELECTN3 Edit the name if necessary. a MOKN4 Edit the phone number if necessary. a MOKN5 MbN: Select the desired group (page 23). aMSELECTN 2 times a MOFFNBase unit1 Find the desired entry (page 23).2 MEDITN3 Edit the name if necessary. a MOKN4 Edit the phone number if necessary. a MOKN5 MbN: Select the desired group (page 23). aMSELECTN 2 times a MEXITNFor assistance, visit www.panasonic.ca/english/support 23PhonebookTGF3xxC(en)_1216_ver011.pdf 23 2014/12/16 19:11:01