No. SR-DSV09485 - 41 -A4P MOTOR COMPANY, MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTDParameterNo. Parameter name Setting range Function/Description40 Jog speed (low) 0 - 6000Setting the speed in low-speed jog operation.Unit is [r/min].Note) Low-speed jog can be started only by the console.Setting of high-speed jog is used for jog operation by specifying a point.41 Jog speed (high) 0 - 6000 Setting the speed in high-speed jog operation.Unit is [r/min].42 Acceleration setting in jogoperation 0 - 10000Setting the acceleration in jog operation.Setting the acceleration from 0 to 3000 [r/min]. Unit is [ms].An error between the setting value and actual operation is max 10%.43 Setting of S-shaped acceleration injog operation 0 - 1000Setting the S-acceleration in jog operation. Refer to section 7-12 in detail.Setting the S-control time during acceleration period.When it is set to 0, linear acceleration control is set.44 Setting of deceleration in jogoperation 0 - 10000Setting the deceleration in jog operation.Setting the deceleration from 3000 to 0 [r/min]. Unit is [ms].An error between the setting value and actual operation is max 10%.45 Setting of S-shaped deceleration injog operation 0 - 1000Setting the S-deceleration in jog operation. Refer to section 7-12 in detail.Setting the S-control time in deceleration period. Unit is [ms].When it is set to 0, linear deceleration control is set.46 Used by manufacturer47 Used by manufacturer48 Teaching movement amountsetting 0 - 32767 Setting the number of pulses to move when operation key is pressed once in thecase of teaching the position data by use of console.49 Instantaneous stop decelerationtime 0 - 10000Setting the deceleration time when instantaneous stop command from themulti-function terminal is pressed.Setting the deceleration time from 3000 to 0 [r/min]. Unit is [ms].When it is set to 0, speed command changes in stepped manner.4A Used by manufacturer4B Used by manufacturer4C Used by manufacturer4D Used by manufacturer4E Used by manufacturer4F Used by manufacturer