No. SR-DSV09485 - 82 -A4P MOTOR COMPANY, MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTDHoming errorprotection 68Error occurs in homing operation.Abnormal limit signal was input during homing operation.The parameters that is necessary to start homing operationare not set or setting invalid value.• Check that switch (sensor), electric wire, and electricpower connected to CW/CCW drive prohibition inputare not abnormal.• Check the parameters for homing.Refer to section 7-9 in detail.Undefined dataerror protection 69Data of attempted step operation or jog operation is notset. Alternatively, setting invalid data.• Check the setting of step parameter andacceleration/deceleration data.• Refer to section 7-7 or 7-8 in detail.Present positionoverflow errorprotection70*The present position overflows (-2147483647 to2147483647) when 16bits positioning parameterNo.51(Wrap around permission) is setting 0.• Do not operate with present position is over-2147483647 to 2147483647. Please be carefulespecially in the incremental operation, jog operationand homing.Driveprohibitiondetection errorprotection71After completion of homing, the limit sensor was detectedduring motor operation.The connections of both CW and CCW over - travelinhibit inputs (CWL /CCWL) with COM- were opened.• Check that switch (sensor), electric wire, and electricpower connected to CW/CCW drive prohibition inputare not abnormal.• Check the operation command and the limit sensormounting condition.• Check the direction of home offset operation and driveprohibition input (CW/CCW).Maximummovement limiterror protection72After completion of homing, the position of motorexceeded the setting of maximum movement.• Do not operate with present position is over themaximum movement limit. Please be careful especiallyin the incremental operation, jog operation and homing.• Check the setting of maximum movement (32-bitparameter 01 and 02).ID setting errorprotection82*ID setting is over the range 0 – 31. Check the rotary switch setting of the front panel.External scaleauto recognitionerror protection93*Incompatible external scale is used. • Use compatible external scale.Motor autorecognitionerror protection95*The motor is not compatible with the servo amplifier. • Replace the motor with a compatible motor.Other errorsOthernumbers*The control circuit malfunctioned due to excessive noise.The servo amplifier's self-diagnosis function was activateddue to an internal error.• Turn OFF the power supply once, and then turn it ONagain.• If the error persists and the error code is retained, theservo amplifier may be defective. Stop using themachine, and replace the motor and the servo amplifier.Return the defective amplifier to the distributor, and askthem for inspection (repair).