No. SR-DSV09485 - 42 -A4P MOTOR COMPANY, MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTDParameterNo. Parameter name Setting range Function/Description50* Operation direction setting 0 - 1Setting the direction of operation0: CCW is - direction, and CW is + direction.1: CCW is + direction, and CW is - direction.The default setting is 1. When setting 0, in monitor mode of a console orPanaterm, a sign of the command pulse is displayed as CCW is – and CW is +,but a sign of the feedback pulse is displayed as CCW is +direction at all times..51* Wrap around permission 0 - 1Selecting the operation when present position overflows.0: Alarm is on, tripping (error 70).1: Alarm is not on. Operation continues.When setting 1 ,error does not occur in wrap around , but absolute position datadoes not be guaranteed. Please use incremental operation when setting 1.52 Sequential operation setting 0 - 1Setting valid/invalid of sequential operation. Refer to 7-14 for detail of sequentialoperation.0:Sequential operation invalid 1:Sequential operation valid53 Sequential operation maximumpoint number 0 - 60Set maximum point number for sequential operation.This parameter is valid when the 16bits positioning parameter No.52=1.0 is the same meaning of setting 1.54 Block operation type 0 - 1Set the block operation Type. Refer to 7-13 for detail of the block operation.0: Continuous block operation 1:Combined block operationWhen setting 1 (Combined block operation), you can not use S-shapedacceleration and deceleration.55 Used by manufacturer56 Used by manufacturer57 Used by manufacturer58 Used by manufacturer59 Used by manufacturer5A Used by manufacturer5B Used by manufacturer5C Used by manufacturer5D Used by manufacturer5E Used by manufacturer5F Used by manufacturer60 Used by manufacturer61 Used by manufacturer62 Used by manufacturer63 Used by manufacturer64 Used by manufacturer65 Used by manufacturer66 Used by manufacturer67 Used by manufacturer