Enlarging Your Subject orWidening the Recording Angle(Zooming InIOut)Recording close-ups of your subjects and recording wide-angle Shots add special effects to vour videos.1 To record a wider view (Zooming-out):Push the [ W K ] Zoom Lever toward [W].To enlarge your subject (Zooming-in):Push the [Wn] Zoom Lever toward [T].*The Zoom Magnificalion lndication appears for afew seconds.*The farther you push the [W,'Tj Zoom Lever toward[W] or [T]. the faster the zooming speed becomes*During recording, the zooming speed is lower thandurina recordin~Dause." ,*When you have zoomed to the tele setting, precisefocusing is only possible on subjects no closerthan 2.2 metres.Enlarging Your Subjects Even More(Digital Zooming)If you set [EFFECTI] on the [DIGITAL EFFECT] Sub-Menu to [ ;& ZOOM] or [ZOOM!. it is possible tofurlher enlarge the subject. The [DZOOM] Indicationappears.*For the item [DZOOMI on the [DIGITAL EFFECT] Sub-Menu. you can select either [40x] or [400x] as themaximum room rnagnilication.0 4 0 X : Digital zooming up to 40%0400x: Digital zooming up to 400x*Up to 2 O x the zooming is done optically.*The higher the Digital Zoom Magnification is. the loweris the picture quality.*When you have zoomed to 20x or higher (d!gifal zoomrange). rnanuail); adjusting the White balance orseiecting any of the preset n h t e baläncr modes is notposs!bleRecording Extra Close-up Shots of SmallSubjects (Macro Close-up Function)'!,)hen ihe zoom magniiicatior !s l y tt;€ hlev!: Cernera3zr iCws on subects io:.n !a a dis:;-?,:e ii. ,-?c^- i .,.;,*:o