i Precautions f o r StorageB e f o r e Storing the Movie Camera. T a k e out theCassette and R e m o v e the Baitery.Store all equipment in a dry place where the temperatureremains relatively constant(Recornrnendedternperature IS 15 C-25 C andrecomrnended reiative hurnidity is 40°ó-60% )M o v i e Camera*Wrap it with a soft cloth to prevent dust from entering.BatteryExtrernely low or high temperature shortens the Batterylife.-Storing it in places with oily srnoke and a lot of dustcould cause the terminals to get rusty. and this canresult in malfunction.*DO not allow metal objects (such as necklaces andhair pins) to touch the battery terminals. Short-circuiting may occur and generate heat, andtouching it i n this condition could inflict seriousburns.*Store the Battery in discharged condition. If you storethe Battery for a long time. we recommend that youcharge it once a year and compietely use up the chargebefore storing it again in discharged condiiion.CassettebRewind the tape to its beginning before storing.Leaving the cassette with the tape stopped halfway formore than 6 months (depending on the storingcondition) loosens the tape. Be sure to rewind it to thebeginning.*Put the cassette in ils case to store it.Dust. direct sunlight (uitraviolet rays) and humidity coulddamage the tape. Dust contains hard mineral particiesand cassettes with dust damage the video heads andother parts of the Movie Camera. Make it a habit toaiways put the cassette back into its case..Cornpletely wind the tape forward and then rewind itonce every hall year. Leaving the cassette for morethan a year without windinglrewinding it may deform thecassette because of stretching and shrinking of the tapedue to changes in temperature and hurnidity. Also. thetape may stick together.*DO not place the cassette near strongiy rnagnetizedobjects or equiprnent.*The tape suriace is coated with microscopic magneticparticles and they record signals. Such objects asrnagnetic necklaces and toys have stronger rnagneticforce than cornmonly thought. and this could erase therecorded contents and cause noise in picture andsound