For the f o l l o w i n g subjects and r e c o r d i n gsituations, the A u t o F o c u s S y s t e m c a n n o tprovide precise adjustment.U s e t h e Manual Focus M o d e instead. (-r 86)O Recording subjects with a part of it near the MovieCamera and another part far away from itAS the Auto Focus adjusts on the centre part of theimage, it is often impossible to bring the nearby anddistant parts of the subject into focus.When you want to record a person with a distantmountain in the back. it is not possible to focus onb0th.@ Recording subjects behind glass covered with dirtor dustAs the focus is adjusted on the dirty glass, the subjectbehind the glass is out of focus. When recording asubject across a street on which cars are running, thefocus rnay be adjusted on the cars.O Recording subjects in dark surroundingsAs the arnount of light information entering throughthe lens is greatly reduced. the Movie Camera cannotadjust the focus precisely.O Recording subjects surrounded by objects withshiny surfaces or much light reflectionAS the Movie Camera adjusts the focus on objectswith shiny surfaces or rnuch light reflection. thesubject may go out of focus.Therefore, when recording at a lake or the sea.evening scenes. fireworks. or under special types oflighting. the subject rnay be out of focus.O Recording fast-moving subjectsAs the interna1 tocusing iens is moved rnechanically. itcannot follow fast-moving subjects without delay.Therefore. subjects like children running back andforth rnay temporarily go out of focus.@ Subjects with weak contrastAs the Movie Carnera adjusts the focus based onverticaf contours in the picture. sublects with littlecontrast such as a white wall rnay be out of focus.