CondensationDetermining Whether Condensation HasFormed Inside and Remedy for CondensationIf the Condensation Indication flashes after you turn onthe Movie Carnera. condensation has forrned inside theMovie Carnera. In this case, the Movie Cameraautomatically switches off after approxirnately l rninute.Remedy as follows:1 Take out the cassette.All other functions do not work. Depending on theamount of condensation, it rnay not be possible tolake out the cassene. In this case. wait 2-3 hoursbefore taking out the cassette.2 Leave the Cassette Compartment open andwait for 2-3 hours.The required time depends on the amount ofcondencation and the arnbient ternperature.3 After 2-3 hours, turn the Movie Camera onand check if the Condensation Indication isnot displayed.Even if the Condensation Indication is no longerdisplayed, wait 1 rnore hour for added safety beforeusing the Movie Carnera again.Pay Attention to Condensation Even Before theCondensation Indication Appears..As condensation forms gradually. the CondensationIndication rnay not appear for the first 10-15 rninutesafter condensation has forrned inside.*In an extrernely cold place, the condensation couldfreeze and turn into frost. In such a case. it lakes anadditional 2-3 hours for the frost to first rnelt intocondensation and then to be dissolved.Remedy for a Fogged-up LensSet the [OFFION] Switch to [OFF] and leave the MovieCarnera in this condition for about 1 hour.When the lens has reached about the same ternperatureas its surroundings, it autornatically clears up.