8 LCD MonitorlFinderILens HoodLCD Monitor-In places where b g changes In temperature occur,condensation may form on the LCD Monitor. Wipe it with asoft. dry cloth.e When the Movie Camera is very cold when it is tumed on. thepicture on the LCD Monitor is initially a little darker thannormally. However. as the internal temperature rises. the LCDMonitor regains its normal brightness.Extremelv hioh orecision technoloav is ernoioved to oroduce. - -. . ..r?-CD Mcn tcr icree- 1eat-i n: 1 '?:q )f 3 c : r ) ~ mat^ ,122 100 3rr ;. Tnc , , j . . i s nc'c 'nan 49 93 c"ert .epixels with a mere 0.0108 o1 the pixels nactve or always lit.However. this is not a malfunction and does not aifect therecorded picture.Finder-Extremely high precision technology is employed to producethe Finder screen featuring a total of approximately 113.000pixels. The result is more than 99.99"0 active pixels. with amere 0.01'0 of the pixels inactive or always lit. However. thisis not a maltunction and does not affect the recorded pcture.Do not leave the Finder or the Lens amed at the sun. Thiscoutd seriously damage internal parts..If you use a large-capacity Battery jCGPJJ320: optional)attached to the Movie Camera. viewing the picture in theFinder from behind may not be practical In this case. turn upthe Finder to an angle !hat alloWS comfoilable viewing.Lens Hood*When you ,want to anach the Tele Conversion Lens(VW-LT4314WE. optional). the Wide Conversion Lens[VW-LW4307WE optional) or a filter of the Filter Kil(VW-LF43WE. optional), be sure to first remove the LensHood by tuming it counterclockwise. If you attach a filter of theFilter Kit. vou can atiach the Lens Hood onto it.3 . r ri; iccr.rin: r. 17 i' icr c i c:.,.e.;cnj cls,riacl e-. ire'n: : 3rre.s :f . r o F c!-rc ,i h , oc:rr? ca[< . 3ns.t niJe"cc1 :.rel ,c.. 3 .s1 t 1 C .V TI 203n. ~ e . c riorrari '?l1= r ,~. , -detail;. al& read the operating instructions of theaccessory being used.8 Repeat Playback*If you keep the Playback Button [ b ] pressed for more than5 seconds, the Movie Camera switchec over to the RepeatPlayback Mode and the [R >]Indcation appears. (Tocancelthe Repeat Playback Mode. set the [OFFION] Switch to[OFF].)Listening to the Playback Sound viaHeadphonesit you ïiant to use headpiiones to is!en to the playback sound.connect them lo the Headphone Conversion AdaptorI'JW-CHlE Cptionail anr! inen ccnnect t to the [ A V OUT)Soc~e!on :ht I.loi? Camera. In ths case no sourd ljncluiir;gbeep and shrtrer c!;ck sounds) s reproduced from !h? Moii?Cameras huk-in sotaner. nnd the volune 01 the piaybaiisourd cannot be adjuste3