Recording Mode-31-0 Lux MagicPix FunctionUsing the LCD Monitor light, a dark scene ofalmost 0 lux can be recorded.1 Press the [MAGICPIX] Button (6) until the[0LUX MAGICPIX] Indication appears.≥The [REVERSE THE LCD MONITOR]Indication appears.2 Rotate the LCD Monitor forward (to the lensside).≥The screen becomes white and theViewfinder turns on.≥The available range of the LCD Monitor lightis within approximately 3.9 feet (1.2 meter).To Cancel the MagicPix FunctionsPress the [MAGICPIX] Button repeatedly untilneither the [MAGICPIX] Indication nor the[0LUX MAGICPIX] Indication appears.≥For other notes concerning this item, see -65-.Soft Skin FunctionThis enables you to record skin colors in a softertone. In order to get the best result, avoidbackground colors similar to the skin color of thesubject. Otherwise, this may result in a softerbackground lacking in detail.1 Press the [SOFT SKIN] Button (7).≥The [ ] Indication appears.≥To obtain the best effect, we recommend totake a bust shot, so that the upper part from thebreast of the subject can be framed in thescreen.To Cancel the Soft Skin FunctionPress the [SOFT SKIN] Button.0LUXMAGICPIXMAGICPIXTELEMACROSOFTSKIN(7)SOFT SKINSOFT SKINWind Noise Reduction FunctionThis function reduces the sound of wind hittingthe microphone when recording.1 Set [TAPE RECORDING MENU] or[CARD RECORDING MENU] >>[RECORDING] >> [WIND CUT] >> [ON].≥The [WIND CUT] Indication appears.To Cancel the Wind Noise Reduction FunctionSet [TAPE RECORDING MENU] or[CARD RECORDING MENU] >> [RECORDING]>> [WIND CUT] >> [OFF].≥For other notes concerning this item, see -65-.Cinema FunctionThis function is for recording a cinema-like image.1 Set [TAPE RECORDING MENU] >>[RECORDING] >> [CINEMA] >> [ON].≥Black bars appear at the top and bottom ofthe screen.To Cancel the Cinema ModeSet [TAPE RECORDING MENU] >>[RECORDING] >> [CINEMA] >> [OFF].≥For other notes concerning this item, see -65-.MENUSTILLENTERFADEis(18)WIND CUTMENUSTILLENTERFADEis(18)CINEMA