MTS BroadMONO broadcastNormal monaural sound broSAP broadcastSecondary Audio Program (Select SAP audio mode for tMTS Stereo broadcastMulti-channel Television SouSelect STEREO audio mode• If stereo broadcast is weaaudio mode for possible bMTS Stereo and SAP broMulti-channel Television SouSecondary Audio Program (received simultaneously. SeThe following are possiblThe signal being receivedwith an arrow.To display the broadcast➛➛➛➛➛ press DISPLAY*.Equipped with ® -TV NMTS reproduction. ® -required for good stereofidelity. ® is a registerlicensed by ® TechnoMake the Audio/Video C• You can use a TV conneVHF/UHRLConnectionReceivable BroadcaAdvanced ConnectionsYou CannotYou Can• record and viewboth scrambledand unscrambledchannels ifadditionalequipment isadded.This connectionrequires: twoconverter boxes,an A/B switch, anda 2-way splitter.• view a channelother than theone selected forany type ofrecording.• do a Timerrecording of achannel unlessyou select it atthe cable box.If your TV has AUDIO IN and VIDEO IN terminals, you can connect your VCRto them to receive higher quality picture and sound.INVIDEOAUDIORLOUTIN FROM ANT.OUT TO TVAUDIOIN 1VHF/UHFRLVIDEOOUT TVIN 2IN 1CABLE BOXOUTINOUT 2OUT 12-Way SplitterCABLE BOXOUTA/B SwitchVCRINVHF/UHF Connect With Two Cable BoxesVCRIN FROM ANT.OUT TO TVAUDIOIN 1VHF/UHFRLVIDEOOUTCABLE BOXOUTININRLOUTTVVIDEOAUDIOVHF/UHF With a Cable Box (VCR Cable Box)ANTorCATVYou CannotYou Can• record scrambledchannels.• view any(includingscrambled)channel.• use VCR RemoteControl to selectchannels withoutusing Multi-brandcontrol feature.ANTorCATVAudio/Video connection- 3 -for channel selection.esponse, your particularyour product is not listed,............... 08............... 09.............. 10............... 10............... 12s, try the next one listed.Set the VIDEO/TV selector of your TV (Monitor/Receiver) to “ VIDEO.”3Connect VCR’s L/R AUDIO OUT jacks to the TV’s L/R AUDIO IN jacks.2Connect the VCR’s VIDEO OUT jack to the TV’s VIDEO IN jack.1TVVCR IN FROM ANT.OUT TO TVVHF/UHFVIDEO INLAUDIO INVIDEO OUTRANTENNALRAUDIO OUT• Advanced Connections • Multi-Brand Control Feature/DOWN,VOL UP/DOWN