Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company,Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of AmericaOne Panasonic Way Secaucus, New Jersey 07094Panasonic Sales Company (“PSC”),Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico, Inc.Ave. 65 de Infantería. Km. 9.5 San Gabriel Industrial Park, Carolina,Puerto Rico 00985Printed in IndonesiaLSQT0813 AS1203-1014PHi-Fi IndicatorLights up when Hi-Fi audio is presentin Playback Mode.VCR IndicatorLights up when the VCR/TVselector is set to VCR.Power IndicatorLights up when power is on.Clock/ Status/ Channel/ Speed DisplayDisplays current time. Briefly displays VCRstatus when you press a function button,channel number or “L1” or “L2” when youselect channel or line input, and recordingspeed when you press SPEED.Multi Function Display (FRONT DISPLAY)Timer IndicatorLights up when the VCR is set for a TimerRecording, or when One Touch Recording(OTR) is used.Flashes when a Timer Recording is set, but atape has not been inserted into the VCR.Location of Controls/ Reset All VCR Memory Functions- 8 -Spanish QuickCONEXIONESConecte el cable determinal IN FROM AConecte el terminalVCR a la entrada dedel TV con el cablePara Ant/Cable ➛➛➛➛➛ VCPara Sistema Digital dConecte la salida decable al terminal INConecte el terminalVCR a la entrada dedel TV con el cable1212Realice la conexión deLa videograbadora iniciará auCONEXIONES/CONF1 Encienda el TV y cam2 Enchufe el cable de CLa videograbadora selas fijaciones de los c• Si la pantalla a continverifique todas las coIntente sintonizar el T• Para cambiar el canaconsulte las instrucciChannel (Canal de spágina 12 de las opeSi está usando un convey en su area hay un canStation (PBS), ajuste suPBS de su area.Si está usando un recepestar apagado.CONFIGURACIÓN INEnchufe el cable de CANota• Los botones de funciodurante la configuració• Para retirar un cassettautomático, presione Eremoto o STOP dos veEn este caso, los ajusthora se deben hacer majustes seleccione la p(Vea la p.12 de Libro dAvanzadas).• Dependiendo de las cautomático puede duraEn ese caso, presioneajuste automático y remanualmente en la pap.12 de Libro de OperReturns to factory setting. Use if relocating VCR, or if Initial Setup needs to be redone.• Make sure a tape is not inserted in the VCR.Reset All VCR Memory FunctionsPress and hold both PLAY and CHANNELon the VCR for more than 5 seconds.• The power shuts off.Turn VCR Power on.3 Perform “Initial Setup (Ready to Play)” onpage 4.21 AUTO CLOCK SETPROCEEDINGCANCEL : STOPCH AUTO SET PROCEEDINGCANCEL : STOPRear View of the VCROUTIN 1OUT TO TVVIDEOAUDIO IN FROM ANT.VHF/UHFRLVHF/UHF AntennaInput TerminalVHF/UHF AntennaOutput TerminalVideo OutputConnector Audio OutputConnector (L/R)Audio Input Connector(L/R)Video Input ConnectorAC Power PlugWhile plugged into an AC outlet, theVCR consumes 0.95 W of electricalpower in off condition.Note to CABLE system installerThis reminder is provided to call the CABLE system installer’s attention to Article 820-40 of the NEC in USA(and to the Canadian Electrical Code in Canada) that provides guidelines for proper grounding and, inparticular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building, asclose to the point of cable entry as practical.21AliPipspoa