Before Use-20-Setting Date and TimeSince the internal clock of the Camcorder has aslight imprecision make sure to check the timebefore recording.1 Set [TAPE RECORDING MENU] >> [INITIAL]>> [CLOCK SET] >> [YES].2 Press the [;/∫] Button to select [YEAR],[MONTH], [DAY], [HOUR] or [MIN.] andpress the [6/5] Button to set it to thedesired value.≥Year will cycle in the order shown below.2000, 2001, ..., 2089, 2000, ...3 Press the [MENU] Button (14) to finishsetting the date and time.≥The clock operation starts from [00] second.≥If the built-in battery is weak, the [0] or [--]Indication flashes. In this case, charge thebuilt-in battery.≥The clock uses the 12-hour system.MENUSTILLENTERFADEis(14)CLOCK SET1YEAR :2004MONTH :JULDAY :12HOUR : 3PMMIN. :17;/∫:SELECT &/%:SETUP!/MENU:EXITInternal Lithium Battery RechargeThe internal lithium battery sustains the operationof the clock. When the [0] or [--] Indicationflashes, the internal lithium battery is nearexhaustion.1 Connect the AC Adaptor to the Camcorderwith the power turned off and then connectto the AC Jack.≥After charging for 4 hours, the built-in lithiumbattery can power the clock for approximately3 months.LP ModeA desired recording speed can be selected with[REC SPEED] on the [RECORDING] Sub-Menu.If LP Mode is selected, the recording timebecomes 1.5 times longer than that of SPMode.Although the image quality does not decreasewith the LP Mode recording, mosaic-pattern noisemay appear on a playback image, or somenormal functions may be restricted.≥The contents that are recorded in LP Mode arenot completely compatible with otherequipment.≥Audio dubbing is not possible with LP Mode.(-37-)Audio Recording ModeThe sound quality of the recorded sound can beselected with [AUDIO REC] on the[RECORDING] Sub-Menu.High sound-quality recording is possible with“16 bit 48 kHz 2 track” Mode. With the “12 bit32 kHz 4 track” Mode, the original sound can berecorded on 2 tracks in stereo, while the other2 tracks can be used for Audio Dubbing.