Owner ID50Owner IDEntry of the PIN number and personal information (your name, address and postcode).In the unfortunate event of theft, the Owner ID will help the Police to determine the owner.■ To return to TVEXIT1 Display the menuMENU2 Select [Setup]Main MenuPictureSoundTimerSetupaccessselect3 Select [System Menu]2/2AccessAdvance (isfccc)System MenuOther Settings accessselect4 Select [Owner ID]AccessOwner IDaccessselectInput owner ID [Owner ID]1 Enter the PIN number (4 digits)* * * *Please enter new PINPINOwner ID abc defjklghi mnotuvpqrs wxyz• Enter the PIN number twice at first setting.• Make a note of the PIN number in case you forget it.The PIN number cannot be reset.2 Select the item (NAME / HOUSE NO / POSTCODE) and set characters* * * *PINNAMEHOUSE NOPOSTCODEOwner ID-Data Entry1.!:# 2abc 3def4ghi 5jkl 6mno7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz0A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S TU V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! : #a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s tu v w x y z ( ) + - . * _User inputNAMEReturn to select other itemsBACK/RETURNaccessselect selectset• Select the next item andrepeat the operations.• To use numeric buttons“Characters table for numeric buttons” (p. 97)3 Exit the menuEXIT■ To check the personal information storedHold down for about 5 seconds* * * * ** * * * ** * * * * *NAMEHOUSE NOPOSTCODEEXITOwner ID• The PIN number is not displayed.FTVAVF■ To change the PIN number1. Select [PIN] 2. Enter a new PIN number twice* * * *PINNAMEHOUSE NOPOSTCODEOwner ID-Data Entryaccessselect abc defjklghi mnotuvpqrs wxyz