Using Network Services (DLNA / VIERA Connect)80For DIGA RecorderControl the DIGA RecorderThe screen of the DIGA Recorder will be displayed. You can control the functions of the DIGA Recorderwith this TV remote control according to the operation guide.Example :Delete TitleSelectLiberty TV FR Journal Télévisé / MétéoWDR aktuellWDR aktuell19.08(Wed)AV1Bibel TV Bibel TV das Gespräch19.08(Wed)19.08(Wed) Start Time 11:01 Titles 27WDR AachenWDR Wuppertal18.08(Tue)18.08(Tue)Page 005/005DIRECT NAVIGATOR (Grouped Titles)Video (AVCHD)SportsSocial/EconomyMovieNot ViewedHDDAllTime Remaining 36:17 (DR)OKRETURN OPTION• Before operating, register this TV on the DIGA Recorder.• For details, read the manual of the DIGA Recorder.Option menu for each contentSetup the settings for Photo, Video and Music file operations.1 Display theoption menuOPTION2 Select [Slideshow Settings], [VideoSetup] or [Music Setup]Option MenuSlideshow SettingsVideo SetupMusic Setupaccessselect3 Select the items and setSlideshow SettingsTransition Effect FadeInterval 5 secondsRepeat OnBack Ground MusicVideo Preview OnRepeatVideo Setup MenuOffRepeat OneMusic Setup Menuaccess / storeselectMenu Item Adjustments / Configurations (alternatives)Slideshow SettingsTransition EffectSelects the transition effect for switching the photo during the slideshow[Off] / [Fade] / [Slide] / [Dissolve] / [Motion] / [Random][Fade] : The next photo fades in gradually.[Slide] : The next photo slides and appears from the left side.[Dissolve] : Each photo is dissolved when switching to the next photo.[Motion] : Each photo is displayed with an effect of enlarging, reducing,moving up or moving down.[Random] : Each transition is selected at random.Interval Selects slideshow interval [5] / [10] / [15] / [30] / [60] / [90] / [120] (seconds)• This function is not available when [Transition Effect] is set to [Motion].Repeat Slideshow repeat [Off] / [On]Back Ground Music Selects the back ground music during Photo mode[Off] / [Type1] / [Type2] / [Type3]Video SetupVideo PreviewSets to start the preview of the title or scene in the thumbnail screen[Off] / [On]• Image may not be displayed for an instant in the thumbnail screen.Set the preview [Off] to resolve this.Repeat Playback repeat within the selected file [Off] / [On]Music SetupRepeatPlayback repeat [Off] / [Folder] / [One][Folder] : Playback repeat within the selected folder[One] : Playback repeat of the selected one file