67■ Alarm ModesThe following alarm modes are available. (Alarm mode fol-lows the setting of "Display Mode".)● SpotThe image of associated camera will be displayed on themonitor. Preset position or auxiliary control will be activated.The following alarm modes (=patterns to display alarm pic-tures on a monitor) are available. (Regardless of alarmmodes, alarms occur to all the associated cameras.) Thealarm mode setting is performed in "Alarm" – "Alarm Mode"of WJ-SX650 Series Administrator Console or "ALARM" ofSETUP MENU.• Sequence modeAlarm pictures are sequentially displayed on the associatedmonitor.• Earliest modeThe earliest alarm picture is displayed on the associatedmonitor.• Latest modeThe latest alarm picture is displayed on the associatedmonitor.● Tour SequenceTour sequence is activated on the associated monitor.● Group Sequence/PresetGroup sequence is activated on the associated monitors.● OFFAlarm information is displayed on the associated monitor,but alarm does not occur to monitors and cameras.Notes:• When a tour sequence, group sequence, or group pre-set is activated as an alarm event, the earlier alarmevent on the monitor will be reset.• When 33 or more alarms occur to a monitor, olderalarms will be reset chronologically.• After occurrence, the same alarm will be suspended for5 seconds.• By the alarm schedule setting, alarm events can bedeactivated in the specified periods. The alarm sched-ule setting is performed in "Alarm" – "Alarm Event" ofWJ-SX650 Series Administrator Console.■ Video LossTo display the video loss information on associated moni-tors and save the video loss history without making alarmsoccur to monitors and cameras, set "Display Mode" to OFF.Note: If Alarm A ("Display Mode" is OFF) occurs whileAlarm B's ("Display Mode" is Spot, Tour Sequence orGroup Sequence) are being activated, the Alarm Ainformation will be displayed on the monitor after allAlarm B's have been reset.Alarm 1 Alarm 2Alarm 3 Alarm 4Alarm 4Alarm 1