Parker HannifinPausing a ProgramPausing a program places a feed hold on the current move andsuspends the program at the current command line.► To suspend a currently running program, send the PAUSEcommand.Resuming a Paused ProgramOnce paused, you can resume the program—motion and codeexecution continue from the places at which they paused.► To continue program operation, send the RESUME command.Affecting Multiple ProgramsYou can control all programs simultaneously using the ALL argument.For example: RUN ALL, HALT ALL, PAUSE ALL, or RESUME ALL.► To control all programs, use the ALL argument in a command.Kill All Motion Request vs. Kill All MovesThis section is to help clarify the difference between Kill All MotionRequest and Kill All Moves.Kill All Motion Request (KAMR)Kill All Motion Request (KAMR) is an Axis Flag. The setting of this flag(e.g., Bit Index 19 of the Quaternary Axis Flags) will stop and preventany motion (jog, cam, gear, coordinated/master). Motion for anyother axes on the same Master will also stop and be prevented untilthe flag is cleared.This flag may be explicitly set by the user through the terminal, orfrom within an AcroBASIC program, PC program, or HMI.This flag is automatically set any time motion is “killed” on this axis.Motion is killed when:• End of travel limits are encountered.• CTRL-X or CTRL-Z is issued.• Drive fault is detected.• Excess position error is detected.When this flag is activated (by the user or automatically by thecontroller) the controller will:• Attempt to stop the axis using the current setting for hard limitdeceleration, HLDEC.• Use the jog profiler to generate the setpoints necessary tobring the axis to a controlled stop. This may result in a JogOffset. Use the JOG RES command to transfer the Jog Offset to14 Programmer’s Guide