Parker HannifinCoordinated Moves ProfilerThe Coordinated Moves Profiler (formerly called the current positionprofiler) controls motion for multiple axes using a single set of motionprofile values. The MOV command (Define a Linear Move)commands absolute and incremental motion.NOTE: The MOV command is not necessary for coordinatedmotion. The controller recognizes the axis name and a valueas commanded motion, such as X500.Multiple axes can be commanded in a single codestatement, such as X500 Y100; the motion is coordinated.No matter what the designed application is, the controller must firstbe configured for coordinated (linear interpolated) motion. Thisdoes not limit the user from simultaneously using the other motionprofilers—jog, gear, or cam. Information regarding which elements itis working with is provided to the Coordinated Moves Profiler by themaster, slave, and axis attachment statements. The other motionprofilers look to the Coordinated Moves Profiler for the configurationdata. For more information about making attachments, seeAttachments.When multiple axes are moving, the Coordinated Moves Profilercomputes the vector based on all the axes target points. The vectormoves at the values set through the motion profile (ACC, DEC, STP,and VEL), and is scaled for each axis. Therefore, all axes start,accelerate, decelerate, and stop at the same time.When only one axis is moving, the ACC, VEL, and STP are the sameas the master.NOTE: The Coordinated Moves Profiler typically uses the clock as itstimebase.Example 1Two axes are attached to the same master and instructed to moveto absolute positions: axis X to 25 millimeters and axis Y to 15millimeters. All axes start, accelerate, decelerate, and stop together.ACC 750 DEC 750 VEL 75 STP 750X25 Y15Making Motion 63