Parker HannifinOpen SamplePROGRAMCLEAR : REM Clear any variables dimension in programDIM $V(1,10) : REM Dimensions one string variable of length 10GOSUB OPENPORT : REM Go to SUBROUTINE OPENPORTEND'SUBROUTINE OPENPORT_OPENPORT'Opens Ethernet Stream2OPEN "STREAM3:" AS #1'Continuous loop as long as "X" is not entered_LOOP1'Set String Variable 0 to nothing$V0 = ""PRINT #1, ""PRINT #1, "What kind of fruit do you want?"PRINT #1, "(A)pple, (B)anana, (C)oconut"PRINT "I would like to have a";'Infinite WHILE loop if they do not enter anythingWHILE ($V0 = "")$V0 = UCASE$(INKEY$(1))REM Stores Keyboard entry into String Variable 0WENDIF ($V0 = "A") THEN PRINT "n Apple"REM If "A" was entered, then print n AppleIF ($V0 = "B") THEN PRINT " Banana"REM If "B" was entered, then print BananaIF ($V0 = "C") THEN PRINT " Coconut"REM If "C" was entered, then print CoconutIF ($V0 = "X") THEN GOTO LOOP2REM If "X" was entered, then goto LOOP2 to terminate programIF ($V0 = CHR$(27)) THEN GOTO LOOP2REM If "ESC key" was entered, then goto LOOP2 to terminate program'Goes back to LOOP1GOTO LOOP1_LOOP2PRINT #1, "Program terminated"CLOSE #1RETURNENDP96 Programmer’s Guide