Parker HannifinMaking MotionNow that the controller is configured, it is ready to make motion. TheACR controller can perform linear, circular, or more complex motionwith a single axis or multiple axes.Four Basic Categories of MotionThere are four basic categories of motion used in motion control:coordinated, jog, gear, and cam.• Coordinated Moves Profiler (Multi-Axis Profile): Use the MOVcommand for linear-interpolated incremental and absolutemoves. It also allows circular interpolation (CIRCW, CIRCCW,SINE, and TARC). The trajectory values are “path” values.• Jog Profiler (Single-Axis Profile): Use the JOG commands forincremental, absolute, or continuous moves. The Jog Profiler isaxis-independent, meaning that each axis uses its owntrajectory values independent of other axes.• Gear Profiler (Electronic Gear): Use the GEAR commands tocontrol motion based on an external source—such as anelectronic gearbox, trackball, follower axis, feed-to-length, orchanges of ratio related to position.• Cam Profiler (Electronic Cam): Use the CAM commands tocontrol irregular motion using data tables. The Cam Profilerprovides control of complex motion, and is best used insituations where the Gear Profiler is unable to performsatisfactorily.Regardless of the type of motion or number of axes used, thecontroller must always be set up for coordinated motion. This maybe done by using the Configuration Wizard or by writing customconfiguration code, and including master, slave, and axisattachment statements. The attachment statements make the basicconnections to a coordinated motion profiler. For more information,see Attachments.After making the necessary attachments, a motion profile can bedefined. The following sections examine the different move typesand motion profilers.48 Programmer’s Guide