Parker HannifinServo Loop FundamentalsEach of the profilers contains a register with a value of the currentoffset. These values are added together and the summation iscalled the Primary Setpoint (PSP).PSP = Coordinated Moves + Jog + Gear + CamSee Figure 15 for a diagram of the Primary Setpoint summation.Figure 15 Primary Setpoint SummationSetpoint CompensationThere are two mechanical characteristics that the controller takesinto consideration and compensates for: hysteresis losses and non-linear position error, which are processed by the Backlash Generatorand Ballscrew Profiler, respectively.• Backlash Generator: Used to compensate for error introducedby hysteresis in mechanical gearboxes. Backlash is used in theSecondary Setpoint summation if the Primary Setpoint value ispositive. (Use the BKL command—Set BacklashCompensation—to set the compensation, or, without anargument, to display the current setting for an axis.)• Ballscrew Profiler: Used to compensate for non-linear positionerror introduced by mechanical ballscrews and gearboxes.(Use the BSC command—Ballscrew Compensation— to initializeand control ballscrew compensation for an axis.)The values of the Backlash Generator and Ballscrew Profiler areadded to the Primary Setpoint, and this summation is called theSecondary Setpoint (SSP).SSP = PSP + Backlash + BallscrewServo Loop Fundamentals 87