65BDL4650D/75BDL4650D/86BDL4650D385.6. PDF Player5.6.1. OSD menu interaction with PDF player:1. Boot on source:- Input: If “PDF Player” is selected as the source, it willenter PDF Player page automatically after the bootprocess is completed.- Playlist: Main page: go to the main page of PDF player. Playlist 1 - Playlist 7: go to PDF player and playbackFile1 - File7 of playlist automatically2. Schedule:- Schedule list: Set up to 7 schedules.- Enable: Enable/disable schedule.- Start time: Set start time.- End time: Set end time.- Playlist: 1-7 : go to PDF player and playback File1 - File7 ofplaylist automatically.- Days of the week: Set Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday.- Every week: Set a weekly schedule.5.6.2. PDF Player introduction:1. The main page of PDF Player, this page consists of threeoptions: “Play”, “Compose” and “Settings”.Play: select a playlist to play.Compose: edit the playlist.Settings: set PDF Player properties.2. Select “Play” on the main page, first you should select oneplaylist to play between FILE 1 and FILE 7.The pencil icon means that the playlist contains thecontent.3. Select “Compose” on the main page, first you shouldselect one playlist to edit between FILE 1 and FILE 7.The pencil icon means that the playlist contains thecontent.4. If an empty playlist is selected, the App will guide youthrough selecting the media source.All media files should be stored in /philips/ of rootdirectory. For example,pdfs : {root dir of storage}/philips/pdf/Note:- If the USB stick cannot be found, the following messagewill be displayed. “Please plug in USB storage”.- Internal storage is always available, so it can navigate tothe next page.