65BDL4650D/75BDL4650D/86BDL4650D52Note that the latest export data will archive all filesinto a ZIP file.(3). “Signage Display Name” will not be imported/exported.Export Signage Display SettingsSystem exports database data and third party APKs into{storage}/philips/clone/BDL4650D-clone.zip file of theselected storage (internal storage, USB storage).Note:If the selected storage (internal storage, USB external storage) does not contain Philips/folder, then the system will createit automatically.A list of all available storage (internal storage and USBstorage):Import Signage Display SettingsImport database data from philips/clone/BDL4650D-clone.zip file of the selected storage (internal Storage or USBstorage). System imports following data in ZIP file:(1). Import Database in BDL4650D-clone.zip(2). Import 3rd party APK in BDL4650D_clone.zipA list of all available storage (internal storage and USBstorage):A confirmation dialog box is displayed before importing thesettings and APKs. Click the “OK” button to start importingthe data.CloneSettings -> Signage Display -> System Tools -> CloneClone Media FilesThis function allows you to copy the media files from theselected source storage to the target storage.System clone files are located in the following folder:philips/photophilips/musicphilips/videophilips/pdfphilips/browserSecuritySettings -> Signage Display -> System tools -> SecurityExternal Storage LockClick the checkbox to lock or unlock external storage (USBstorage). Default is unlocked.Note:When you disable the external storage lock to enable state,please unplug and plugin the external storage again (forUSB storage). After that, system can detect external storageagain.Admin PasswordSettings -> Signage Display -> System tools -> AdminPassword.Enable:Click the checkbox to enable or disable Admin Password.Default is disable.Once it is enabled, you will need a password to login in toAdmin mode. Default password is “1234”.Password:Settings -> Signage Display -> System tools -> AdminPassword -> PasswordYou could change the password if you need a password forlogging into Admin Mode. Follow the steps below:(1). Enter your current password first. The default password is“1234”.If the current password is not correct, you will see an AndroidToast “Incorrect password” message.(2). Enter the new password.