65BDL4650D/75BDL4650D/86BDL4650D53(3). Enter the new password again.If the new password again does not match the newpassword, you need to try again.If the password is changed successfully, you will see anAndroid Toast “Successful” message.Reset Password:Settings -> Signage Display -> System tools -> AdminPassword -> Reset Password.Reset the password to its default value, “1234”. If the reset issuccessful, it will display a message that reads “Successful.” Misc.TeamViewer SupportClick the checkbox to enable or disable the TeamViewersupport. TeamViewer will send a virtual HOME key to openAdmin mode. Default is enable.TeamViewerHost and TeamViewerQSAddOn APKs will beinstalled to the system automatically. Or, system will removethem if “TeamViewer Support” is disabled.The following two APKs will be listd in Settings->Apps if“TeamViewer support” is enabled.Enable loggingEnable or disable logging via checkbox.Once enabled, PD will start logging android logcat log,kernel message and save them to USB or internal storageautomatically. The fisrt priority is USB storage. if there are noconnected USB devices on PD, all data will then be saved tothe internal storage.The saved path will be {roor directory of USB storage}/philips/Log/xxBDL4650D-Log-{ yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss }Or{root directory of internal storate}/ philips/Log/xxBDL4650D-Log-{ yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss }If disabling logging, all data will be saved to a zip file suchas {roor directory of USB storage}/ philips/Log/xxBDL4650D-Log-{ yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss }.zipOr{root directory of internal storate}/ philips/Log/xxBDL4650D-Log-{ yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss }.zip6.1.3.7. System updatesLocal updateSettings -> Signage Display -> System updates -> LocalupdateSystem will automatically search for “update.zip” in theroot folder of the USB disk. If “update.zip’ is found on theexternal storage, a list will be shown for user to select the fileto update.Once the file is selected from the list, the system startsrebooting and updating.Please note that:(1). Do not turn off the power or remove the poweradapter until the update is complete.(2). The current system only supports full Android update.(3). The update file must be named “update.zip” only.(4). The “update.zip” file must be stored in the root folderof your external storage.Remote updateSettings -> Signage Display -> System updates -> RemoteupdatePlease keep the network connected and available. Choose“Latest” or “Download code” to download the “update.zip” to root folder from Remote FW server. If you choose“Download code”, you need to input 10 digits which you getfrom Remote FW server.Click “OK”, it may take about 5 minutes to download “update.zip” depending on the network speed. If the download issuccessful, the system will automatically transfer to the “Localupdate” process. The system will reboot and do the systemupdate.Please note that:(1). Keep the system powered on during the systemupdate; do not remove the power adapter.(2). Currently, the system only supports a full Androidupdate. Scaler FW updatesStart updateSettings -> Signage Display -> Scaler FW updates -> StartupdateOnly the USB port near the Ethernet port can support scalerfirmware update.System will automatically search “{panel size}_4650D.bin” inthe root folder of the USB disk.