37Chapter 7: Using the TV's FeaturesChapter 7Manual Sound Controls1. Press the MENU button to enter the on-screen menuand then press either the Down or Up button toselect the Audio sub-menu.2. Press the OK button to enter the sub-menu and thenpress either the Down or Up button to select thedesired sound option.(Balance, Bass, Treble)3. Press the OK button to select the sound option thatyou wish to change and then press either the Left orRight button to make appropriate adjustments.4. Press the MENU button to return to the previousmenu.This function allows you to manually adjust the individual audio settings to your preferred levels.• BalanceAdjusts the left to right sound balance between thebuilt-in speakers.• BassThis adjusts the presence of the lower frequencyaudio.• TrebleThis adjusts the presence of the higher frequencyaudio.Balance 0AudioBalanceBassTrebleSound SurroundSound ModeEqualizerMTSAudio Language04040FF GGFF GGFF GGFF GGFF GGOnOffOffStereoEnglishMENU ExitENTER Adjust Select