57Chapter 7: Using the TV's FeaturesChapter 7Clean All1. After entering the Parental sub-menu, press theDown or Up button to choose Clean All.2. Press the OK button on the remote control to selectClean All and then press the Left or Right buttonto select OK button.3. Press the OK button to clean and reset the ProgramBlock menu options.4. Press the MENU button to return to the previousmenu.This function cleans and resets all current parental block settings.Are you sure?OK CancelParentalProgram BlockChange PasswordClean AllGGGGGGENTER OK MENU BackSelectBlock Unrated1. After entering the Parental sub-menu, press theDown or Up button to choose Program Block.2. Press the OK button and then press the Down orUp button to select Block Unrated.3. Press the Left or Right button to select On or Off.4. Press the MENU button to return to the previousmenu.Block Unrated can be used to block unrated channels, ratings and other viewing sources.ParentalProgram BlockChange PasswordClean AllGGGGGGENTER OK MENU BackSelectProgram BlockOnOffFF GGGGGGGGGGGGFF GGRating EnableU.S. TV RatingsU.S. Movie RatingsCanadian English RatingsCanadian French RatingsOpen V-ChipBlock UnratedMENU BackSelect