ESP-SMTe Controller22Evapotranspiration (ET)The ESP-SMTe calculates water needs based on water lostfrom the soil surface (evaporation) and water used by theplants (transpiration). The rate that water is lost is calledevapotranspiration, or ET.Plant Available Water (PAW)The total amount of water that can be stored in the soilfor the plant is called Plant Available Water, or PAW. Thisamount varies based on the soil type and plant root depth.Management Allowed Depletion (MAD)When the amount of water available to the plant gets toolow, irrigation is scheduled. This level is referred to as Man-agement Allowed Depletion, or MAD and is set by the userat the controller.PAW - Thetotal amountof water thatcan be stored.MAD - When waterdrops to this level,irrigation isscheduled.ET - The rate thatwater is lost toevapotranspiration.Factors that Determine IrrigationConfigure ControllerEnter site location info and basic irrigation schedules.To program in Advanced ET mode, select Advanced ET onthe Select Programming Mode screen. This screen is avail-able under the Advanced Controller Setup dial position(see page 15) or after a Factory Default reset.Configure the controller by entering site location informa-tion for your site, selecting the days to allow watering, andentering the times that watering can occur.Turn the dial to Configure Controller.Step 1. Enter Site LocationThe ESP-SMTe controller will use historical weather data(for wind speed and humidity) based on zip code or youcan enter custom values for your site.cb NOTE: If outside the United States you must use Cus-tom Data for Location.Select Location by Zip CodeA Select Enter Site Zip Code.