ESP-SMTe Controller8Mount Weather SensorBegin by running the communication wire to the locationwhere the sensor will be mounted.A Place the mounting bracket base assembly againsta mounting surface that permits the top of themounting bracket to be adjusted to vertical. Drive ascrew into the upper left hole of the base (do nottighten completely).B Drive a second screw into the middle area of theadjustment slot, located on the lower right corner ofthe mounting base.C Level the mounting base and hold it in place, thentighten the screw in the adjustment slot.D Tighten the upper left screw, then drive the tworemaining screws into the mounting base, securing itto the mounting surface.ABDDCConnect Weather Sensor WireA Loosen the captured-screw of the wiring compartmentcover to expose the sensor housing and green wiringconnector within.B Strip the two wire leads 1/4” and insert into theconnectors (polarity is not important).C If AC power is available, the green LED will blink. Oncecommunication is established between the sensorand controller, the LED will light solid.D Re-attach the wiring compartment cover and routethe wire through the two openings. Then re-tightenthe captured screw to secure the cover.DB CAE Feed the communication wire(s) through the threeholes in the mounting arm, providing “strain-relief” forthe wires. Leave enough extra wire at the top end sothe sensor pod can easily be installed and removed.F Mount the sensor housing assembly to the top ofthe mounting arm. Align the mounting hole on thebracket with the arm and tighten using the providedthumb-screwG Adjust each of the mounting arms to assure that thetop of the sensor is secured and level.H Press the sensor debris cover onto the top of thesensor.GHFE