ESP-SMTe Controller7Weather Sensor InstallationChoose Location• Select a convenient outdoor location in close proxim-ity (wire-run distance is 200 feet maximum) to the ESP-SMTe controller. Place in an unobstructed area awayfrom reflective heat so that the unit can provide accu-rate on-site temperature and rainfall measurements.• Mount the unit at least 6 feet above the ground sur-face to accurately measure ambient temperature. Sug-gested installation locations include the eave of a resi-dence roof, a wooden fence post, etc.• The sensor mounting bracket is designed to mounton any vertical surface. Easy adjustment of the mount-ing arm ensures the installed sensor is level. UV rated#16AWG or #18AWG wire is recommended for the com-munication wires if more than 25 feet is required.Sensor Mounting OptionsDo’s• Mount the weather sensor at least six feetabove grade.• Ensure that sensor is free from obstructionsto allow for collection and accurate mea-surement of rainfall.• Sensor does not require direct sun to workcorrectly provided any shade or otherobstruction does not block rainfall.Don’t’s• Do NOT install sensor in a location wherespray from a sprinkler will collect in the sen-sor.• Do NOT install the sensor where rainfall willbe reduced or blocked from entering thesensor funnel• Do NOT install the sensor where it will beimpractical to service – the rain sensor mayrequire cleaning depending on the amountof leaves, dust, etc that may collect in thedebris screen, funnel, or tipping bucket rainsensor.MOUNTED ONROOF EAVEMOUNTEDON FENCEMOUNTEDON POSTCONTROLLERSENSOR WIRE(MAX 200 FT.)