CHAPTER 4: ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS 49− No encryption: No encryption or security. Neither the initial connection authenticationnor remote video data transfer is encrypted.− SSL authentication, NO data encryption: This mode secures user names andpasswords, but not KVM data. 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol provides aprivate communications channel between Dominion KSX and the Remote PC duringinitial connection authentication. No encryption security in place during remote KVMdata transfer.− SSL authentication, data encryption (default): This mode secures user names,passwords, and KVM data. 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol provides aprivate communications channel between Dominion KSX and the Remote PC duringinitial connection authentication. After authentication, KVM data is also transferred with128-bit encryption, but using a proprietary protocol more efficient than SSL.− SSL authentication, SSL data encryption: This mode secures user names andpasswords, and provides high-level security for KVM data. 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) protocol provides a private communications channel between Dominion KSX andthe Remote PC during initial connection authentication. 128-bit SSL encryption is also inplace during remote KVM data transfer.Note: SSL data encryption increases the amount of data that must be sent over the remoteconnection, and is, therefore, not recommended for modem or very slow Internet connections.The default setting “SSL authentication, data encryption” offers exactly the same level of securitywith a higher level of efficiency.• Remote link blanks user port: Determines whether the Direct Analog User port will beblanked out locally when a remote user is accessing the corresponding KVM port. This keepsa local user from seeing what the remote user is doing.− NO (default): User port can be viewed locally during remote user access.− YES: User port cannot be viewed locally during remote user access. The local or DirectAnalog user console will stop displaying video.• Allow remote administration:− NO: To keep access to all Administrative Functions available only from the DominionKSX Admin Console, and not from a Remote PC.− YES (default): Allows remote access to all Administrative Dominion KSX Functions byadministrators logged on at a Remote PC.• PC Share Mode: Determines global concurrent remote access. Enables up to eight remoteusers to simultaneously log on to one Dominion KSX unit and concurrently view and controlthe same Target KVM Server through Dominion KSX. Control is based on firstactive/keyboard mouse input, so multiple remote users attempting keyboard input or mousemovement at exactly the same moment may experience uneven control.− Private Mode (default): No PC Share. Each Dominion KSX path can be accessedexclusively by only one user at a time.− PC Share Mode: Dominion KSX ports can be accessed by more than one user(administrator or non-administrator) at a time. Control is based on first activekeyboard/mouse input, so multiple remote users attempting keyboard input or mousemovement at exactly the same moment may experience uneven control.− PC Share Admins Only: Dominion KSX can be accessed by more than one user(administrative users only) at a time. Control is based on first active keyboard/mouseinput, so multiple remote users attempting keyboard input or mouse movement at exactlythe same moment may experience uneven control.Note: PC Share Mode is a global setting. For individual user access settings see Keyboard andMouse Control and Concurrent Access Mode on the User Account Settings screen. Each userprofile can be set individually to enable/disable keyboard and mouse control, and concurrentaccess.