REMOTE CONNECTIONP ROBLEMSS OLUTIONand view Connection Status window behind it. TheConnection Status window will show details on yourconnection attempts, and may offer specifics on theproblem.TARGET KVM S ERVERKEYBOARD P ROBLEMSS OLUTIONDominion KSX is not acceptingkeyboard commands from theRemote PC.The window in Raritan Remote Client that is displaying youTarget KVM Server must be the active window for properkeyboard control. Ensure the window in which you aretyping is active.Try clearing the keyboard signals to ensure that the releaseor breakcode signal has been received − alternately press the<Ctrl>, <Shift> and <Tab> keys rapidly a few times onyour keyboard. Ensure the remote user has keyboard andmouse privileges.Exit the Dominion KSX software and then restart it again.I pressed the Caps Lock key onmy Remote PC. The CAPSindicator on the Dominion KSXStatus Bar appeared, but theCaps Lock indicator light is notlit on my Remote PC keyboard.This is normal. Use the indicators on the Status Bar todetermine CAPS key status for the Target KVM Server.The Keyboard is notfunctioning and the green LEDon the back of Dominion KSXfor at least one of the KVMports is not blinking, but ratherconstantly lit.Reset the keyboard chips within Dominion KSX byrecycling power to it. Make sure you power down bothDominion KSX and all attached KVM switches at the sametime. Otherwise the KVM chips in Dominion KSX willdraw power from the KVM switches and fail to reset.I am accessing Dominion KSXvia the Web Browser and thekeyboard does not function. Itype, but nothing happens.Click the window title bar under the Dominion KSX toolbarto activate the viewing window. If the viewing window isnot the active window, the keyboard will not function.TARGET KVM S ERVERM OUSE P ROBLEMSS OLUTIONSTarget KVM Server MousePointer tracks too slowly afterDominion KSX Mouse Pointer.Immediately after switching toWhen working from a Remote PC, a slight delay betweenyour local mouse pointer and the Target KVM Server’sMouse Pointer is normal due to uncontrollable lags in thespeed of the remote connection – Internet, direct dial