Chapter 6: Device Management123Trap Name DescriptionsecurityBannerChanged A change has been made to the security banner.securityViolation Security violation.setDateTime The date and time for the device has been set.setFIPSMode FIPS mode has been enabled.startCCManagement The device has been put under CommandCenterManagement.stopCCManagement The device has been removed fromCommandCenter Management.userAdded A user has been added to the system.userAuthenticationFailure A user attempted to log in without a correctusername and/or password.userConnectionLost A user with an active session has experienced anabnormal session termination.userDeleted A user account has been deleted.userForcedLogout A user was forcibly logged out by AdminuserLogin A user has successfully logged into the KX II-101-V2 and has been authenticated.userLogout A user has successfully logged out of the KX II-101-V2 properly.userModified A user account has been modified.userPasswordChanged This event is triggered if the password of any userof the device is modified.userSessionTimeout A user with an active session has experienced asession termination due to timeout.userUploadedCertificate A user uploaded a SSL certificate.vmImageConnected User attempted to mount either a device or imageon the target using Virtual Media. For everyattempt on device/image mapping (mounting) thisevent is generated.vmImageDisconnected User attempted to unmount a device or image onthe target using Virtual Media.