134 DOMINION SX I NSTALLATION AND O PERATIONS MANUALampclosesocket [socket_id]Closes the socket represented by the socket ID. If the command fails or the arguments are invalid, the command willreturn an error with an error message.Command Return Messages0 (TCL_OK) • No message returned1 (TCL_ERROR) • wrong # args: should be ampclosesocketsocketDescriptor• Invalid Socket Descriptor %s• close socket failedampreadsocket [socket_id length timeout]A non-blocking call: reads from the socket represented by the socket ID until either the length or timeout is reached.Timeout is specified in microseconds; a timeout of zero indicates the socket will be polled and the results returnedimmediately. The command returns a buffer with the data read, and if the data available to read is less than thelength requested, the command returns a buffer with the data read. If there is no data read or timeout occurs, thecommand returns an “OK” with an empty buffer. If the command fails or the arguments are invalid, the commandwill return an error with an error message.Command Return Messages0 (TCL_OK) • No data read• Actual data read• Timeout occurred1 (TCL_ERROR) • Command failed: "not enough memory"• Command failed: "Invalid SocketDescriptor OR read socket failed"• Arguments invalid: "wrong # args: shouldbe ampreadsocket socketDescriptormessagelength timeout"• Arguments invalid: "Invalid SocketDescriptor %s"• Arguments invalid: "invalid length %s,only digits allowed"• Arguments invalid: "invalid timeout %s,only digits allowed"Note: Issue an ampclear command to clear old data before starting any new operations.ampgetmacaddressReturns the Ethernet MAC address of the unit.