CHAPTER 4: CONSOLE FEATURES 57Enabling RADIUSEvery unit has to be configured for RADIUS Communication to obtain authentication from the RADIUS Server.Administrators should log on to the unit as any non-RADIUS user, and then configure the unit following these stepsto obtain authentication:1. Click on the RADIUS Tab.Figure 62 RADIUS Configuration Display2. Check the Enable RADIUS check box.3. In the Primary Server IP field enter the address of the RADIUS server.4. In the Shared Secret field, enter the password for the client, which was added while configuring the RADIUSserver. Please refer to Appendix D: RADIUS Server for additional information.5. In the Port field, enter the port number – by default, the port number is 1812, and should be modified in casethe RADIUS server is configured for a different port number. The early deployment of RADIUS was doneusing the chosen port number 1645, which conflicts with the “Datametrics” service. The officially assigneddefault port number for RADIUS is 1812.6. The Information for the Secondary RADIUS Server is optional. This is a mirrored image of the PrimaryRADIUS Server and it is used only in case the Primary RADIUS Server fails to respond.7. Click on the [Update] button.8. Click on the [Save] button.Note:→ When you factory reset your box, all the RADIUS parameters will be lost.→ RADIUS users are not cached in the memory. Every time you log on as a RADIUS user,authentication comes from the RADIUS server.→ The RADIUS client sends a packet to the RADIUS server and waits for a reply. If it does notreceive a response within 20 seconds, it resends the packet to the same server. If the PrimaryRADIUS Server again fails to respond, it contacts the Secondary RADIUS Server, if configured todo so. If it does not receive a response from the Secondary RADIUS Server, it informs the useraccordingly. Thus, a user may have to wait for as long as 80 seconds if one or both RADIUSserver(s) fail to respond or if the Dominion SX unit is not properly configured.→ RADIUS users will appear in the Current users list in the left panel of the main window, butnot in the Users list on the Users configuration screen.