36 DOMINION SX I NSTALLATION AND O PERATIONS MANUALNote: If you are making changes to several different configuration screens in one session, click onthe [Update] button in each screen, but wait until making changes in the final configurationscreen, and then click on the [Save] button to save all changes with just one action.7. The status bar displays the message: Save in progress…Note: If changes are made in the Network and Modem configuration screens, a warning messagealerts the user to the automatic system reboot upon the completion of the save.8. A success message appears.9. The Report screen is updated and displayed after a successful Save.To Reload Configuration Changes:1. Click on the [Configuration] button in the left panel.2. Click on the tab(s) for the screens in which you want to make configuration changes.3. When the status bar displays the Configuration locked message, other users cannot modify the unit’sconfiguration.4. Modify data in the screen, and click on the [Update] button.5. The status bar will display the message: Configuration changes not saved.6. Click on the [Reload] button to erase any changes in this and any other configuration screen.7. A successful reload message appears, indicating a successful reload of the original settings and configurationvalues.8. The Report screen shows that no data has been changed.