4.17 Keypad network connectionRaymarine® remote keypads (e.g. the RMK-9)can be connected directly to the display’s networkconnection or can be connected to the SeaTalkhsnetwork, via a Raymarine® network switch.Multiple keypads can be connected to a system, witheach keypad capable of controlling up to 4 MFDs.D12694-3412 31. MFD2. Network connection to MFD or Raymarine®network switch (RayNet cable)3. RMK-9 Keypad4. Alternate power connection (Right angled powercable)Note:a. When connecting the keypad directly tothe MFD, unless the MFD is capable ofproviding power over ethernet the keypadmust be powered separately, using thealternate power connection.b. When connecting the keypad via a networkswitch the keypad must be poweredseparately, using the alternate powerconnection.For further information regarding keypad installation(including power connection and mounting), refer tothe installation instructions supplied with the keypad.Once connected the keypad must be paired with theeach MFD you want it to control.4.18 Weather receiver connectionA Sirius XM weather receiver can be connecteddirectly to the display’s network connection or canbe connected to the SeaTalkhs network, via aRaymarine® network switch.SeaTalkhs / RayNet