18Tank/ReturnTemp(°F / °C)Model 1005A Model 1505A Model 2005ASoft/MedSup. Temp1(°F / °C)***Hard Sup.Temp 1(°F / °C)*Minimum Tubing Size2 Med Sup.Temp1(°F / °C)Hard Sup.Temp1(°F / °C)*Minimum Tubing Size 2 Soft/MedSup. Temp1(°F / °C)***Minimum TubingSize 2<80’ equiv. 80-200’ equiv. <80’equiv. 80-200’ equiv. <80’equiv.80-200’equiv.60 (15) 138 (59) 135 2" 2-1/2" 145 (63) 143 (62) 2" 2-1/2" 154 (68) 2" 2-1/2"80 (27) 138 (59) 135 2" 2-1/2" 145 (63) 143 (62) 2" 2-1/2" 154 (68) 2-1/2" 3"100 (38) 138 (59) 135 2-1/2" 3" 145 (63) 143 (62) 2-1/2" 3" 154 (68) 2-1/2" 3"120 (49) 146 (63) 146 (63) 2-1/2" 3" 146 (63) 146 (63) 2-1/2" 3" 155 (68) 2-1/2" 3"130 (54) 156 (69) 156 (69) 2-1/2" 3" 156 (69) 156 (69) 2-1/2" 3" 165 (74) 2-1/2" 3"140 (60 166 (74) 166 (74) 2-1/2" 3" 166 (74) 166 (74) 2-1/2" 3" 175 (79) 2-1/2" 3"1 Approximate high fire heater outlet temperature based on the standard heater pump and the recommended connecting pipe size.2 Minimum pipe size based on total equivalent feet of supply and return piping between the tank and heater.WH-1005A - 87 gpm @ 3.5 ft (329 lpm @ 1 m) hd pressure dropWH-1505A - 113 gpm @ 7.6 ft (428 lpm @ 2.3 m) hd pressure drop)WH-2005A - 116 gpm @ 8 ft (439 lpm @ 2.4 m) hd pressure drop)Table K. Hot Water Supply Temperatures and Minimum Pipe Size at Varying Return Temperatures*Must utilize optional cupro-nickel tubes. If over 25 grains per gallon, a water softener/treatment system must be utilized.**Caution: For scale-free operation with “Hard Water” (16-25 grains per gallon of total hardness), the operating control must NOT be set higher than 130°F (54°C).For higher than 130°F (54°C) operation, a water softener/treatment system must be utilized.***Care should be given to prevent over-softening of the water as over-softened water can become aggressive. Cupro-nickel tubes are recommended for watersoftened below 5 grains per gallon.3.9.7. Domestic Hot WaterNOTE: Soft = 3–4 grains per gallon; Medium = 5–15 grainsper gallon; Hard = 16–25 grains per gallon.WH – Direct DHW ConfigurationWhen the unit is ordered as a “WH” configuration, theonly application available to it is direct DHW with singleor multiple heaters (Maximum 4 heaters). See Figure 20.The tank temperature is controlled by the System sensor(S3). The integral Boiler Pumps (P1) run during any call forheat. The System Pump (P2) output is active whenever thesystem is enabled. The Boiler / Injector Pumps are delayed“off” after the Tank Target temperature is achieved and asuser-defined in the BOILER menu.NOTE: If local codes require a vacuum relief valve,acquire one locally and install per valve manufacturer’sinstructions.NOTE: WH units will operate to a maximum setpointof 150°F (66°C). For temperatures required above150°F (66°C), an “H” model boiler configured for high-temperature potable operation must be used and greatcare must be given to ensure water hardness is no morethan 15 grains per gallon for scale-free operation. MODE1 should be used and configured for setpoint operationfor process heating applications.For DWH pipe sizing, see Table G and Table K.3.9.8. Potable Water and Space HeatingAA CAUTION: When this heater is used for both potablewater and space heating, observe the following to ensureproper operation.1. All piping materials and components connected tothe water heater for the space heating applicationshall be suitable for use with potable water.2. Toxic chemicals, such as used for boiler treatment,shall not be introduced into the potable water usedfor space heating.3. If the heater will be used to supply potable water,it shall not be connected to any heating system orcomponents previously used with a non-potablewater heating appliance.4. When the system requires water for space heatingat temperatures higher than 140°F (60°C), a meanssuch as a mixing valve shall be installed to temperthe water in order to reduce scald hazard potential.