32from and in no case above or below (unless a 4' [1.2 m]horizontal distance is maintained) electric meters, gasmeters, regulators and relief equipment.The distance of the vent terminal from adjacent buildings,open windows and building openings must comply withthe NFGC (U.S.) or B149 (Canada). Gas vents supportedonly by flashing and extended above the roof more than 5'(1.5 m) should be securely guyed or braced to withstandsnow and wind loads.AA CAUTION: A listed vent cap terminal suitable forconnection to the Cat IV vent materials, adequately sized,must be used to evacuate the flue products from thebuilding.AA WARNING: Vent connectors serving any otherappliances shall not be connected into any portion ofmechanical draft systems operating under a positivepressure. If an XTherm heater is installed to replace anexisting heater, the vent system MUST be verified to beof the correct size and of Category IV UL Listed stainlesssteel vent material construction or other approvedvent materials noted in Table O. If it is NOT, it MUST bereplaced.NOTE: For extractor sizing, typical CO2 levels are 9.0%for natural gas and 10.2% and flue temperature of 150°F(66°C).ModelNo.Vent Sizein. (mm)Volume of FlueProducts (CFM)1005A 6 (152) 2601505A 8 (203) 3902005A 8 (203) 520* NOTE: Data for 100% with range between min/max vent length.Table R. Volume of Flue Products Data3.18. Horizontal Through-the-Walland Direct Vent (Category IV)NOTE: While a drain connection is required in the vent ofall XTherm installations, the drain can be accomplishedin several different ways. The figures in this manualshow the drain in a vent tee, however, this can also beaccomplished using an inline collector for condensingstacks or an inline vertical or horizontal collector availablefrom several of the listed vent manufacturers.AA CAUTION: This venting system may require theinstallation of supplemental condensate drains in the ventpiping per the vent manufacturer’s instructions. Failure toinstall these condensate drains in the venting system maycause a non-warrantable failure. Condensate must not beallowed to freeze. Take appropriate measures.8' (2.4 m)OR LESSTEST PORT12" MINCONDENSATETRAPCAT IVVENT PIPEHEATER* HOUSEKEEPING PADF100202' MIN(610 mm)8.5" MIN(215 mm)2' MIN(610 mm)(305 mm)* See Figure 6 on page 8.Figure 35. Vertical Venting Installation3.17.1. InstallationThe maximum and minimum venting length for thisCategory IV appliance shall be determined per Table Q.The minimum flue pipe diameter for conventional ventingusing Category IV, stainless steel vent is: 6" (152 mm) forModel 1005A and 8" (203 mm) for Models 1505A and2005A.The connection from the appliance vent to the stack mustbe as direct as possible and shall be the same diameteras the vent outlet. The horizontal breaching of a vent musthave an upward slope of not less than 1/4 inch per linearfoot from the heater to the vent terminal. The horizontalportions of the vent shall also be supported for thedesign and weight of the material employed to maintainclearances and to prevent physical damage or separationof joints. The expected flue pressure is approximately 0.5"WC positive.3.17.2. TerminationThe vent terminal must be vertical and must terminateoutside the building at least 2' (0.6 m) above the highestpoint of the roof that is within 8' (2.4 m). The vent capshould have a minimum clearance of 4' (1.2 m) horizontally