42Item Application Range Description DefaultTARGET H MODE 1, 2, 3 RSET <> SETP RSET = Outdoor Reset, SETP =Setpoint SETPTANK SETP WH OFF, 50°F to 150°F (10°C to 66°C) Tank set point temperature 125°F (52°C)TANK DIFF WH 2°F to 10°F (1°C to 5°C) Tank Differential temperature 3POOL SETP P 50°F to 104°F, 106°F (10°C to 41°C) Pool setpoint temperature 80°F (27°C)POOL DIFF P 1°F to 5°F (0.5°C to 3°C) Pool differential temperature 2°F (1°C)MODE H MODE 1, 2, 3 1,2,3 Piping and application configuration. 1SETPOINT H MODE 1, 2, 3 50°F to 220°F (10°C to 104°C) Boiler target temperature while a heat demand ispresent for setpoint operation 180°F (82°C)OUT START H MODE 1, 2, 3 35°F to 85°F (2°C to 29°C) Outdoor starting temperature - outdoor reset 70°F (21°C)OUT DESIGN H MODE 1, 2, 3 -60°F to 45°F (-51°C to 7°C) Outdoor design temperature - outdoor reset 10°F (5°C)Boil START H MODE 1, 2, 3 35°F to 150°F (2°C to 66°C) Starting boiler target temperature when the outdoortemperature is at outdoor start outdoor reset 70°F (21°C)Boil DESIGN H MODE 1, 2, 3 70°F to 200°F (21°C to 93°C) Design boiler target temperature when the outdoortemperature is at outdoor design outdoor reset 180°F (82°C)TARGET MAX H MODE 1, 2, 3 100°F (38°C) to PIM value* Maximum target system temperature 220°F (104°C)TARGET MIN H MODE 1, 2, 3 OFF, 50°F to 190°F (10°C to 88°C) Minimum target system temperature 50°F (10°C)TARGET DIFF H MODE 1, 2, 3 2°F to 42°F (1°C to 24°C) Differential for target system temperature 10°F (5°C)IND SENSOR H MODE 1, 2, 3 OFF <> ON Selects whether a DHW sensor is used for indirectDHW tank OFFDHW DIFF H MODE 2, 3 2°F to 10°F (°1C to 5°C) Differential for the target indirect DHW tanktemperature, requires IND Sensor = ON 6°F (4°C)IND SUPPLY H MODE 2, 3 OFF, 50°F (10°C) to PIM value*Target boiler temperature for the DHW heatexchanger during indirect DHW operation, requiresIND Sensor = OFF180°F (82°C)DHW PRIORITY H MODE 2 OFF <> ON Selects whether or not Indirect DHW priority is activeduring indirect DHW operation OFFPRI OVR H MODE 2, 3 Au, 0:10hr to 2:00hr Sets the length of the indirect DHW priority overridetime 1:00hrSYS PURGE All OFF, 0:20min to 20:00min Sets the length of the system pump post purge 20 secondsMIX TYPE H / WH / P MIX H (VALVE, PUMP, PLNT)WH (1 <> 2)Selects the type of control depending on pipeconfiguration for CWPH VALVEWH 2MIX TARGET H / WH / P MIX 50°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C) Inlet target temperature 120°F (49°C)MIX LOCK H / WH / P MIX ON <> OFFThe equipment will trigger a warning when “MIXTarget” is not reached within 7 minutes. MIX LOCK =ON; Alarm and lockout, MIX LOCK = OFF; Alarm onlyOFFMIX TRIM H / WH / P MIX -5 to 5This adjustment is for various types and sizes of unitsas well as various actuator motor speeds and typessupplied by Raypak0MIX SPEED H / WH / P MIX FAST <> MED <> SLOW This setting defines speed of response MEDMIX INV H / WH / P MIX ON <> OFF This option is related to the use of spring returnactuators with a proportional valve OFFWWSD H MODE 1,2,3 40°F to 100°F (4°C to 38°C) The system warm weather shutdown temperatureoutdoor reset, requires TARGET = RSET 70°F (21°C)UNITS All deg F <> deg C Show units using icons in display deg FMODBUS All OFF <> MNTR <>TEMP <> RATEModBus Operating Mode: Off, Monitor, Temp Control,Rate Control MNTRADDRESS All 1 to 247 ModBus slave address 1DATA TYPE All RTU <> ASCI Modbus data type RTUBAUD RATE All 2400 <> 9600 <> 19K2 <>57K6 <> 115K 19K2PARITY All NONE <> EVEN <> ODD EVEN* Maximum operator dial setting.Table T. Setup/Adjust Menu