4 Chapter 1. What is Red Hat Network?3. All notifications and information messages are signed by Red Hat with an electronic signatureusing GPG. RPM can be used to verify the authenticity of the package before it is installed.4. All transactions are encrypted using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.5. All packages are tested and verified by the Red Hat Quality Assurance Team before they areadded to the Red Hat Errata list and Red Hat Network.TipRefer to https://rhn.redhat.com/help/faq.pxt for a list of Frequently Asked Questions.1.6. Before You BeginRed Hat Network is available for Red Hat Linux 6.2 and higher. For instructions on configuring RedHat Linux 6.2 for Red Hat Network, refer to Chapter 6.By default, all the software packages you need to use Red Hat Network are installed with Red HatLinux 7 and higher. However, if you chose not to install them during the installation process or per-formed an upgrade from Red Hat Linux 6.2 or lower, you may not have the Red Hat Network Reg-istration Client or the Red Hat Update Agent installed. Remember, if you are a Red Hat Linux8.0 user, you do not need the Red Hat Network Registration Client. To determine if the Red HatNetwork Registration Client is installed, type the following command:rpm -q rhn_registerIf the Red Hat Network Registration Client is installed, it will return something similar torhn_register-2.7.21-7.x.3The version number might differ slightly.If you do not have the Red Hat Network Registration Client installed, the command will returnpackage rhn_register is not installedPerform this check for every package in Table 1-1. If you prefer to use the command line versions,you do not have to install the two packages ending in gnome.Package Name Descriptionrhn_register Provides the Red Hat Network Registration Client program and thetext mode interfacerhn_register-gnomeProvides the GNOME interface (graphical version) for the Red HatNetwork Registration Client; runs if the X Window System is availableup2date Provides the Red Hat Update Agent command line version and the RedHat Network Daemon