Chapter 4. Red Hat Network Website 47Links in the left navigation bar below Systems enable you to select and view predefined sets of yoursystems. All of the options described above can be applied within these pages. AllThe All page contains the default set of your systems. It displays every system you’ve registered withRed Hat Network. Out of DateThe Out of Date page displays the registered systems that have applicable Errata Alerts that have notbeen applied. UnentitledThe Unentitled page displays the registered systems that have not yet been entitled for Red HatNetwork service. UngroupedThe Ungrouped page displays the registered systems that have not yet been assigned to a specificsystem group. InactiveThe Inactive page displays the registered systems that have not checked into RHN for at least a week.This indicates:• The system is not entitled to any RHN service. System Profiles that remain unentitled for 180 days(6 months) are removed.• The system is entitled, but the Red Hat Network Daemon has been disabled on the system.• The system is behind a firewall that does not allow connections over https (port 443).• The system is behind a proxy that has not been properly configured.• Some other barrier exists between the system and the RHN Servers. System DetailsIf you click on the name of a system on any page, it will display the System Details page for thesystem. From here, you may modify this information or remove the system altogether by clicking thedelete system link on the top-right corner.The System Details page is further divided into tabs:• Details — Displays information about the system. This is the first tab you see when you click ona system. Under the System Info heading, a message should appear describing the status of thismachine. If it states "Critical updates available" you may click the update now link to apply allrelevant Errata Updates to the individual system. Be sure you review the Errata List for the systembefore performing this action. After clicking the button, you will be asked to confirm the update.Click the Confirm Update button to complete the update. After confirming, the action is added