Chapter 4. Red Hat Network Website 514.4.3.3. System Group DetailsAt the top of each System Group Details page are two buttons: work with group and delete group.Clicking delete group does just that and should be used with caution. Clicking Work with Groupfunctions similarly to the Use Group button from the System Groups list in that it loads the group’ssystems and launches the System Set Manager immediately. Refer to Section 4.4.4 for more infor-mation.The System Group Details page contains five tabs:• Details — Basic information about the system group: the group name and group description. Tochange this information, make your changes in the appropriate fields and click the Modify Detailsbutton.• Systems — List of systems that are members of the system group. Clicking the Errata number takesyou to the Errata tab of the System Details page for the associated system. Clicking the Packagesnumber takes you to the Packages tab of the System Details page. Clicking the System Name takesyou to the Details tab of the System Details page. Refer to Section for more information.• Target Systems — List of all systems in your organization. This tab enables you to add Enterprise-level systems to the specified system group. Merely select the systems using the checkboxes to theleft and click the Add Systems button on the bottom right-hand corner of the page.• Errata — List of relevant Errata for systems in the system group. Clicking the Advisory takesyou to the Details tab of the Errata Details page. (Refer to Section for more information.)Clicking the Affected Systems number lists all of the systems addressed by the Errata. To apply theErrata Updates in this list, select the systems and click the Apply Errata button.• Admins — List of all organization users that potentially have permission to manage the systemgroup. Organization Administrators are clearly identified. To change the system group’s users, se-lect and unselect the appropriate checkboxes and click the Update button.4.4.4. System Set ManagerThe System Set Manager allows you to perform the following actions on a system set (the currentset of selected systems):• Apply Errata updates• Upgrade packages to the most recent versions available• Add/remove systems to/from system groups• Subscribe/unsubscribe systems to/from channels• Update system profiles• Modify system preferences such as automatic download and installation of packagesBefore performing actions on multiple systems, you must select systems you wish to modify. Notethat only Enterprise-level systems can be selected. Pages including Systems list, System Search, andSystem Groups list have a column of checkboxes under the Select heading. Mark the checkboxesbeside the systems or groups you want to select, and click the Update button below the column to addthem to the System Set Manager.You can access the System Set Manager page in two ways: 1)Add systems and groups from theirrespective lists to the System Set Manager and click System Set Manager in the left navigation bar.2)Click Use Group in the System Groups list or Work with Group in the System Group Detailspage to work with a predefined system group.The System Set Manager page contains a set of tabs: