48 Chapter 4. Red Hat Network Websiteto the Pending Actions list under Schedule => Pending Actions from the top and left navigationbars, respectively.The packages will be updated by the RHN Daemon. You must have the RHN Daemon enabled onyour systems. Refer to Chapter 5 for more details. The Details tab contains the following subsets ofinformation:• Overview — A summary of the system’s details. In addition to the system status message,the Overview subtab contains basic System Info, Subscribed Channels, and System Properties.Clicking the Alter Channel Subscriptions link takes you to the Channels tab, while clickingthe Edit these properties link takes you to the Properties subtab. See the following sections formore information.• Properties — The profile name, entitlement level, notification choice, and physical location ofthe system, including street address, city, state, country, building, room, and rack. To modify thisinformation, make your changes and click the Update Properties button.• Hardware — Detailed information about the system, including networking, BIOS, storage, andother devices. This appears only if you selected to include the hardware profile for this machine.If the hardware profile looks incomplete or outdated, click the Schedule Hardware Refreshbutton to schedule a Hardware Profile Update for your system. The next time the RHN Daemonconnects to RHN, it will update your System Profile with the latest list of hardware.• Errata — Contains a list of Errata Alerts applicable to the system. To apply updates, select themand click the Apply Errata button. Clicking on the Advisory displays the Errata Details page forthe Errata Alert. Refer to Section for more information.• Packages — Manages the packages on the system.• Packages — The default display of the Packages tab describes the options available to you andprovides the means to update your package list. If after exploring the packages, you believe thelist is outdated or incomplete (or you installed the packages manually and did not have RHNinstall them), click the Update Package List button on the bottom right-hand corner of thispage. The next time the RHN Daemon connects to RHN, it will update your System Profile withthe latest list of installed packages.• List/Remove — Lists installed packages from the system’s software System Profile and enablesyou to remove them. Click on a package name to view its Package Details page. (Refer toSection To delete a package from the system, select its checkbox and click the RemovePackages button on the bottom right-hand corner of the page.• Upgrade — Displays a list of packages that have a new version available based on the packageversions in the channel for the system. Click on the latest package name to view its PackageDetails page. To upgrade packages immediately, select them and click the Upgrade Packagesbutton. To download the packages as .tar files, select them and click the Download Packagesbutton. Refer to Section for details.• Install — Enables you to install new packages on the system from the available channels. Clickon the package name to view its Package Details page. To install packages, select them and clickthe Install Selected Packages button.• Profiles — Gives you the ability to compare the packages on this system with the packages ofstored profiles and other Enterprise systems. To make the comparison with a stored profile, selectthat profile from the pulldown menu and click the Compare button. To make the comparison withanother system, select it from the associated pulldown menu and click the Compare button. Tocreate a stored profile based upon the existing system, click the Create System Profile button,enter any additional information you desire, and click the Create Profile button.• Channels — Provides a predetermined method for systems to obtain regular updates, based upontheir operating systems, packages and, functionality. Click a channel name to view its ChannelDetails page. To modify the child channels associated with this system, use the checkboxes next